CROA Board Standards of Conduct

Did you know the CROA Board of Directors has agreed to and signed a “Standards of Conduct” agreement?

This document is available on our community website under the CROA tab near the bottom mixed in with the rest of the documents such as meeting minutes and agendas.



A Standards of Conduct, also known as a code of ethics, is more than just a set of guidelines. This document outlines the core principles a Director must honor and lets Directors know when they are outside the line of propriety. It gives everyone a standard that can be used to compare actions and behaviors.

Beyond that, the Standards of Conduct allow our board to maintain decorum.  As we have seen, even the slightest hint of misconduct or poor behavior can drive homeowners to take matters into their own hands.  Remember the referendum?




The document is quite standard on the surface.  It covers sections such as not sharing confidential information, recusing yourself during possible conflicts of interest, and not accepting gifts in exchange for preferential treatment by the Board.



Let’s Revisit

In 2024, and given recent history, I feel that it is important to amend this document to include a section on professional behavior and mutual respect.  While it should go without saying, professionalism and respectfulness should be the norm for an HOA board. Directors must always treat fellow Homeowners and board members with utmost respect and courtesy. Many problems arise just out of the way people treat or speak to each other.



At the end of the day, many of these documents are seen, signed, and then shelved never to be looked at again.  However given our current situation, it couldn’t hurt to take it off the shelf, and at least remind everyone that it exists.